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Results for: 'hydrolysis reactions'

Digestive chemicals - types & enzymes

By: HWC, Views: 6612

• Chemical digestion breaks down food as it moves through the digestive tract. • Using enzymes and other digestive chemicals, the process reduces food particles into nutrient molecules that can be absorbed. • Most chemical digestion is done by the actions of digestive enzymes. • O...

Condensation and Hydrolysis Animation

By: HWC, Views: 521

A condensation reaction joins two molecules together to form one larger molecule. An enzyme removes a hydroxyl group from one molecule and a hydrogen atom from another, then speeds the formation of a bond between the two molecules at their exposed sites. Typically the discarded atoms join t...

Biological organic compounds

By: HWC, Views: 6067

Biological organic compounds contain covalent bonds, mainly C-C and C-H bonds, but also both C and H bonded to such other atoms as O and N. Some of these covalent bonds are nonpolar. Others are polar, either because one atom in the group "hogs" electrons away from other atoms in the group, or...

Types of energy transfer reactions: oxidation-reduction reactions and ATP generation reactions

By: HWC, Views: 7188

■ Metabolism balances anabolic and catabolic reactions. ■ Anabolism is energy transfer from ATP to simpler molecules in order to build them up into larger, more complex molecules. ■ Catabolism is breaking down larger, more complex molecules, usually to transfer energy from them in order...

Photosynthesis overview Animation

By: HWC, Views: 335

Illustration of the interrelationships of the light-dependent and light-independent reactions of photosynthesis. The light-dependent reactions split water, and produce ATP and NADPH. Oxygen is a by-product of these reactions. ATP and NADPH, together with carbon dioxide, are reactants in ...

Role of ATP in muscle movement

By: HWC, Views: 6817

• Muscle cells use ATP to power contraction and movement. • The hydrolysis of ATP to ADP releases • ATP can be regenerated by adding to ADP. • During muscular contraction, ATP molecules: • Energize the myosin head • Detach myosin from actin • ATP must be then regenerat...

Factors that increase metabolic rate and heat production

By: HWC, Views: 6647

• All vital biochemical reactions are temperature dependent. • The overall rate at which metabolic reactions use energy is known as the metabolic rate. • Metabolic rate greatly determines body temperatures. • Temperature is maintained by balancing the loss of heat to the environment...

The Krebs Cycle Animation

By: HWC, Views: 864

The second-stage reactions of aerobic respiration. The second-stage reactions occur in a mitochondrion's inner compartment. In the first preparatory reaction, a carbon atom is stripped from pyruvate and released as carbon dioxide. The remaining carbons combine with coenzyme A and give ...

Calvin Cycle Explained!

By: HWC, Views: 6344

he light-independent reactions make sugars by way of a cyclic pathway called the Calvin cycle. The cycle begins when rubisco attaches a carbon from carbon dioxide to ribulose bisphosphate. The molecule that forms splits into two molecules of PGA. Each PGA gets a phosphate group from ATP a...
